Ways To Avoid Credit Card Debt
There are a couple different ways you will find to use credit cards responsibly. you will also find that there are a few ways to also get your credit rate up which is what you really want to do. The main thing credit card companies don't tell you is that any charge you make on a credit card is that it is just a loan. For example if you only charge ten dollars to your credit card you have just taken out a unsecured loan on that ten dollars.
When you do get a credit card you have to remember that it is just a loan, you have to pay it back. It's not just free money that you can have, it's almost like a payday advance. Make sure you keep every receipt that you get that way at the end of that month you can see just how much you spent and how much you are going to have to pay back. It also makes it where you can cross check your bill and have a total of what you owe that way you can make sure you are going to be able to pay it back when the bill comes in.
When you pay of what you owe every month that is the best way to keep your credit problems from getting out of control. You can though allow a small amount of the debt to drift from month to month. This will actually help you down the road when you choose to buy larger items then before. It also help to build you credit history and your credit rating. By doing the above steps and staying on top of your monthly bills it will make it where, you will have much better credit in the future and avoid credit card jail. that is the most wonderful gift you can give yourself early on in life.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
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